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Adult Ministries

Adult Sunday School

God of Promise: A Study Through Covenant Theology 

Some relationships are easy to define. We understand the relationship between a boss and an employee because of the rules and expectations that come with it. The vows made at a wedding reveal to us the nature of a marriage relationship. But how are we to understand our relationship with God? What defines it? God has defined his relationship with us and with all of creation through the covenants he has made with us. By understanding his covenants, we can know how we relate with God and the world around us. Join us for Sunday School after church as we study the relationship we have with our God of promise. Class begins Sunday, September 15th. There will be a time of fellowship after the service from 10:45am – 11am, then class from 11am until 11:40am.

Theology on Tap

On May 31, 1567, Guido De Bres was hanged in front of a city hall by the Spanish and Catholic authorities. Before being led to his death, he said to the other prisoners, “My brothers, I am condemned to death today for the doctrine of the son of God, praise be to Him. I would never have thought that God would have given me such an honor.” But what exactly was this doctrine that De Bres was willing to die for? It can be found in the Belgic Confession. Written by De Bres and confessed by the Christian Reformed Church, the Belgic Confession offers a relevant message for the church and the world in all times and places. Join this men’s group as we meet to study our church’s confession and seek to grow in our knowledge of God and his redeeming work. Our first meeting will be at 6:30pm on Wednesday September 11th, at Pastor Caley Meza’s house. For Pastor Caley’s address, contact Debbie at

Women’s Bible Study Small Groups

Beginning the week of September 15th, the Women in the Word group Bible studies will be starting new studies. Each Group will have two options for their fall studies. The first option will be reading through “None Like Him: 10 Ways God is Different Than Us” by Jen Wilkins. This study will invite you to learn how to embrace your limits and celebrate the rest we can find in letting God be God. The second option is a study through 1st and 2nd Peter titled “Living Hope in a Hard World” by Lydia Brownback. Written to a persecuted church, Peter’s epistles are a call for hope in our God who will not abandon us in our suffering. This study will remind you of the transformative power of our God who is faithful in our trials. If you are at all interested in joining a small group, please contact Pastor Caley at

Men’s and Women’s Fellowship Gatherings

As we seek to share our lives and dwell in unity with each other, we organize fellowship gatherings for our men’s group and our women’s group every quarter. These events will be times of good food, fellowship, and discussion. We’d be happy to have you join us! To find out about the next Fellowship gathering, please contact Pastor Caley Meza at