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Adult Ministries

Adult Sunday School

Strange New World Adult Sunday School Series continues this Sunday at 11am –

Ideas have consequences. What we believe, how we imagine the world, these things motivate, and help us make sense of, our actions individually and as a society. They shape the very fabric of our culture…. Carl Trueman is poignantly aware of this relationship between ideas and their many consequences for both individuals and societies. In his book, Strange New World: How Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and Sparked the Sexual Revolution, Trueman, seeks to understand this dynamic in the context of American culture. – Modern Reformation. Dr. Carl R. Trueman is Professor of Biblical and Religious Studies at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania, and was previously the Historical Theology and Church History professor at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He earned an MA in Classics from the University of Cambridge, and a Ph.D. in Church History from the University of Aberdeen. He is church historian, reformed scholar and theologian, the author or editor of over a dozen books, and is the co-host of “The Mortification of Spin” podcast. Through video and in person lectures and discussion, this class will seek to look at our current culture and see how those who are now long dead propounded the ideas that have shaped our society, as well as seek to provide Christians with helpful categories for how to live and engage as a follower of Christ in this strange new world.

Men’s Bible Study Small Groups

Small groups of men meet together every other week in order to both grow in deeper fellowship with our Lord, as well as with one another. During this season, our men’s small groups are studying the book of Revelation. Revelation is for the everyday Christian, and yet it can be a daunting and difficult book. This Revelation Bible study will help lift your eyes to the Lamb who was slain for our redemption, reorienting you to the wonderful hope we have in our conquering King. If you are interested in joining a men’s small group, please reach out to Pastor Caley Meza at

Women’s Bible Study Small Groups

Do you find yourself questioning how God feels about you after a particularly sinful day? Do you wonder if you need to do something to get back into his good graces? Join a women’s small group as they study the book of Galatians in which Paul shows us that we are saved and stay saved only by Christ’s work, not our own. Paul will convince you that Jesus’s work was enough, and will always be enough, not only to pay for your offenses against God, but by the Holy Spirit to make you a new creature. Women’s small groups seek to grow in fellowship with God and with each other through meeting together every other week. If you are interested in joining a women’s small group, please reach out to Pastor Caley Meza at

Men’s and Women’s Fellowship Gatherings

As we seek to share our lives and dwell in unity with each other, we organize fellowship gatherings for our men’s group and our women’s group every quarter. These events will be times of good food, fellowship, and discussion. We’d be happy to have you join us! To find out about the next Fellowship gathering, please contact Pastor Caley Meza at